kids crafts

Moon Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Moon Craft Week at INK!

Thriller Thursdays: Mario Visits – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Meet and greet with a new character each Thursday this summer!

Ice Cream Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Ice Cream Craft Week at INK!

Thriller Thursdays: Batman Visits – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Meet and greet with a new character each Thursday this summer!

Tiger Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Tiger Craft Week at INK!

Beard Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Beard Craft Week at INK! Make your own beard with some fun craft materials!

The BASICS Story Time – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Join us for interactive story time for early learners! Each child age 0-5 will receive a free book!

Pirate Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Arrgg Matey! Become a pirate while making a fun craft at INK this week!

Rhino Craft Week – INK

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids 999 Chestnut St SE, Gainesville, GA, United States

Rhino Craft Week at INK! Create your own fun rhino with a variety of craft materials!